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IM stumped need some help
I live on a lake in Washington state and the water is fairly clear but not crystal. I dont have a boat but i have a dock that i fish off of and i can't seem to get any trout to bite right now. Its about 50 degrees outside. i live right on the creek that feeds the lake but i havent had any luck the last 5 mornings in a row. any suggestions?
What kind of trout and what have you tried? Are they planted or wild fish?
they are planted rainbows. i have tried every single color of powerbait, mixtures of powerbait and worms, i have tried on the bottom on the top in the middle, i have tried dick nites, i have tried kastmasters. they just arent biting.
Can you see them eating anything off the top? Sometimes the fish wont take deadsticked stuff but they will take a fly off the top if its moving and seems alive.

Also if your weather outside is 50 so I'm guessing your water is colder, so keep everything fairly slow on any lures.

Try a floating fly with a very slow retrieve. I'm not talking fly fsihing, unless you do that, but tie a fly on there and throw a bobber on a couple feet ahead of that, for some weight, and just reel very slowly., even stopping sometimes.

Depends more on what the trout are eating or what they are going through right now. Did the ice just come off? Was there ice at all? What the moon/sun phase has looked like and what times you've been trying to catch.
sometimes the fish just dont bite. you might not have a healthy population of fish there either.
Well i have fished in the morning, and late afternoon usually before or after work. there wasnt any ice on the lake. the water temp is about 42-44degrees. I have actually tried a fly but it didnt seem to work either. ohh and the lake just got stocked like 3 weeks ago. I have never had this kind of bad luck on this lake.
have you tried a fly called m-80[Wink]
havent tried that fly. do you have pictures of it? I would like to try it i make my own flies so if i could get a picture of it maybe i can make it to use.
lol gummie it was a joke reread the question think about m-80's what are they and what do they do when you figure it out your gonna be like dough!!!!![laugh]
Haha! im an idiot. lol m-80s got it now. I feel like a retard now. maybe i should try m-80s. might be the only way to catch something out of this god forsaken lake.
you might try panther martins first, just to try one more thing. On the other hand they didn't do me any good around here either recently so.......

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