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What's the best time of the day to go fishing?
What's the best time of the day to go fishing?
i always loved when i was a kid, and after i had my son, and even now, when i have my worst nite with pain, wakin up grabbin the fish pole nitecrawlers my lunch, gittin out there and watchin the sunrise come over the hill, listenin to the birds wakin and watchin my pony graze when i was a kid. then when my boy was little, hey ma i got one!! cook em for breakfast. and now, when we can camp out, is the time i can do this. in all the first break of day the start of a new day is what we can makeit then do it. no matter how it turns out thru the day at least the first part of the day was good. to remember this is what keeps me goin. now sometimes when i only have this to remember. it the freshest purest time of life.of the day.cause each day we,re gittin older and to keep it in one day is to cherish each day we have with a new look at life. so, with spring when the new life is born, summer, when we grow, fall the wisdom and winter when time is to just flow. and be, and remember. it gets purer with each day we strive. and hold onto.sorry i got so technicle, haha but i guess this is a reflecting question for me today, haha mare
[cool]any time as long as your fishing
[cool] Hey there daymere, Depends on what you are fishing for and the water clarity and depth as well as current.

Generally Large Mouth Bass like that daybreak and days end primetimes. Then again alot of trout will do the same.

Cats will genenrally be a nightime fish, but when they are stocked in ponds and lakes, they can be an all day fish.

Some fish that are in the Sunfish family are just as it sounds. When the sun is out, so are they. As weather warms up, you just have to go deeper.

Other fish like the early morning top water and midmorning to midafternoon, they will be deeper water to bottom feeders.

You may have one of those fishing holes that could be a 24/7 spot where you can catch at least something on some kind of rig at any time of day or night. If you do check around there are different types of fish that prefer different times of day and different types of bait accordingly. I hope that I can be of help to you.
right after i duck the old iron skillet that the wife thru at me ! lol !
When you get to the water
the best time to go fishing during the day is when you get up out of bed....[Wink]
[Smile][cool]haha yessa dave!! slow but sure. haha i feel like a turtle. now. haha later[Smile]

Hey there ReelMN,

I fish mostly saltwater, west coast and I believe that dark-thirty is the best time to fish. That's just before dawn. We call it fishing the grey. The only way to fish White Sea Bass.

I do think that the season and moon phase does have a relation to if the bite is gonna be early or not so early morning or even all the way to late afternoon. It seems like late morning bites are shorter that early morning.

Anytime between 12:01 AM and 11:59PM.
and loose 365 minutes of prime time fishing a year ?[crazy]
Depends on whether you mean, "The best time to fish," or "The best time to catch fish." Most of the previous posts seem to be addressing, "The best time to fish," and my answer to that agrees with the other replies -- anytime you can.

As for, "The best time to catch fish," I always try to have my line in the water during the Solarlunar majors and minors. Although often laughed at, especially by this one friend who's the best stream bait fisherman I've ever seen, we all agree there are periods during each day when we get hits nearly every cast and other longer periods when we beat the water with only occasional bites. For me, the "busy" times very often are close to one of the majors or minors.

Anyone else out there with similar experience?
The best time of day to go fishing is whenever you can. The best time of day to catch fish is in the moring with my experiance.
yep , sure do ! there are plenty of places to aquire the information at , and combined with water temps , streem flo data , bermetric pressures , tide tabels , lunar phases , ect , ect , a well educated angler can optimise his sucess ratio dramaticly .
So do you really catch more fish when you go at the Solarlunar majors and minors? I've tried going on a couple of those and I couldnt really tell the differce.
Over 56 years of fishing, there's no question that I've experienced two to three times each day when I got hits on almost every cast. These periods would last from 15 minutes to as long as an hour. In between those periods, even though I'd beat the stream without mercy, the hits were significantly less with 10 to 30 casts between. Over the last 30 or so years, I started to compare the "hot" periods with the solarlunar charts and found a significant correlation between the two.

The correlation, of course, isn't there all the time. I'm sure atmospheric pressures, clouds at night during otherwise bright moons, high flows, low flows, and other factors which aren't compensated for in the solarlunar charts interfere, but over all those years, I've found fairly close (within an hour or so) correlation an amazing number of times. Another factor which must, of course, be taken into account is the time line (latitude) you're fishing on compared to the time line the chart you're using was drawn up for.

That's been my observation, anyway, and that's why I try to always make it a point to have my line in the water around the majors and minors of the solarlunar charts.
some body has been looking over my shoulder and copying off my test.... Teacher! Teacher!

I have found what you say to be acurate, I have found times tho' when it was suspost to be an off time or day and hit in to them like there was no tomarow for about an hour or so.

each lake or stream has their own secreates, and it takes years to figure them out, and when you do, you take it to the wattery cast.[Wink] some things are better experienced than handed to you on a silver platter.

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